Goals are funny things, figments of the imagination existing only until achieved or abandoned. An eclectic collection of rose coloured hopes and unfulfilled dreams of things once desired.
A goal attained is worthy of a victory dance, celebrating the small wins in life is important. Yet almost immediately I find myself asking “what’s next?“.
Travel taught me that the journey is often far more interesting than the final destination. I have found the same to be true of goals, considering how they evolve over time is more instructive than simply listing them out.
Legend: Achieved, and remains so.Achieved, but no longer so, will do it again. Work in progress. Someday, but not today.Achieved, but wouldn't do it again.Abandoned.
Happy & Content
- Learn to juggle.
- Buy a television. Get cable tv for sports.
- See the Canberra Raiders win the premiership. Sigh, maybe next year!
- Receive a hug from Julia Roberts.
- Be interesting enough to get a girlfriend. Have sex. Get married.
Don’t fuck it up! - Buy beer. Buy beer legally.
Go out often. Go out at all. Quit drinking. Enjoy staying in. - Learn to drive.
Buy a car. Race an open wheeler racing car. London traffic and parking does not lead to happiness. - Move out. Live in a house I own. Design and build a dream house.
Get a dog.Grow my hair long.Grow a Santa Claus beard.- Have kids. Survive the early years with kids. Enjoy kids. Become friends with kids as adults.
- Build a self-service on-demand kids television system. Pre-Netflix!
- Get a fridge with an ice and water dispenser on the door.
- Learn to cook dim sum.
- Wake up without the alarm.
- Live at the beach.
- Get a cat.
- Work as an extra in a Star Wars movie.
- Make an effort. It has been said that I am grumpy and anti-social, mainly because I don’t much like people in general.
- Be happy and content. Feel happy often, and content consistently.
Health & Fitness
- Learn to ride a bike.
Buy a bike. Learn to ride motor bike. Only crazy people with a death wish ride bikes in London! Run a sub 20 minute 5km. Run a half marathon. Finish a full marathon. Get back into running.Get six pack abs.- Comfortably fit into a pair of jeans I wore in university.
Captain the Australian cricket team. Yes, I recognise that the last time I played competitive cricket was in the under 11s… details!- Learn to swim. Get back into swimming.
- Stop biting my finger nails.
- Walk at least 4,000,000 steps each year.
- Consume less than 1,900 calories per day on average over a week.
- Take up rowing.
- Exercise daily.
- Go overseas at least once. Work overseas. Live overseas. Visit at least one new country each year.
- Go backpacking.
- Live in London. Live in Hong Kong, Melbourne, New York, Paris, San Francisco, Singapore, Sydney, and Vancouver for 3 months.
Take a city break every 6 weeks. Take regular vacations to kid friendly places during school holidays. Slow travel.- Resume bush walking.
- Travel carefree like a backpacker, but comfortably as I have grown accustomed.
Intellectual Stimulation
- Buy a computer.
- Teach myself to program computers.
Work as a computer programmer. Move away from the tools. Focus on customer facing skills that won’t be outsourced or off-shored. - Finish school. Get into university. Graduate. Graduate again. And again. And yet again.
Become a stock broker.- Qualify as an accountant.
Become an accountant. - Qualify as a financial planner.
Become a financial planner. - Be useful, able to make the problems of paying clients go away.
- Rediscover the joy of programming computers, just for fun.
Study just for fun.- Start a blog. Maintain a blog.
- Write a book.
- Produce a useful personal finance tool that benefits the community.
- Earn an income independent of my parents. Be in a financial position to support my parents.
Get a job.
Get a second job.Get a third job.Semi-retire. Retire. - Make first million by age 30. Make second million by age 40. Have enough money to not worry about money.
- Learn about stock market. Learn to read annual reports.
Invest in shares. Invest in low cost index funds (mostly). - Start a business. Run a profitable business.
Own (not run) a sustainably profitable business. - Invest in real estate. Invest in well located, sustainably self funding real estate.
- Separate investing time from generating income.
- Earn sustainable net passive income. £500 per week. £1,000 per week. £2,000 per week. £5,000 per week.
- Achieve financial independence.
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